She should have come with a SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: THIS GIRL BREAKS HEARTS. She'd wake up in the morning. Hair parted perfectly. That girl had love oozing from every pore. Not her own, but from more admirers than you could count. Each patch of flesh stitched with perfection. She'd mount the chair at the computer desk like it was a unicorn. Her beauty was mythical. Her body could adorn nothing less than magical. She'd check her inbox. Neck tilted to the side, begging for a kiss. She would send mixed signals and receive hate mail. But, unlike this human body pillow who keeps her company, they never had the opportunity to sleep in her bed. They never were given the chance to live inside her head. The rent is reasonable. I pay her in poems.
This is kind of beautiful in a dark way...I really like it.
Thank you :-) I appreciate it.