Thing have been very busy with me lately..
Quit my full-time job of the last 6 years..
Quit my part-time job..
Went to some minor league baseball games..
Lost my computer which appears to have died on me..
Some of this is leading up to my BIG MOVE. Even though it is going to be tough, I have decided to make a change. I have a very good friend who is stuck in a very awkward situation and I am going to help her out. Also I am doing it cause I have had nothing but bad luck after bad luck so I am making a change in hopes of getting a new start and getting rid of all the bad luck. Did I mention I have nothing but bad luck.
There are other reasons.. I have lived in basically a small room with my brother and his wife for the last 5+ years and I can't keep doing this. It is expensive to live around where I am now so a change of pace might do me some good. It is much cheaper to live in FLORIDA where I am headed. Am headed down there tonight to get some things set up for my final move next week. Hope to be set up and ready to go in my new place by July 11th. It is going to strap me financially for a little bit but will hopefully be worth it in the long run.
For those that wish, feel free to message me and if you want to text me, just ask for the number. I have a few great text friends who I have never talked to. You can also find me on Facebook just check out my previous blog for the link. Would love to have more friends on there.
I will have a computer with me plus my cell phone so I will definitely keep in touch with those that wish too..
Florida.. here I come (at least for a few days)
how was the move?
I can actually blog now!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! How is the new place treating you? Photos?? YES YES!!