not much to report
(story of my life)
the number of cats in the house has been drastically reduced to 4. tabs & her kittens went to the animal shelter. it was sad, but i know it was for the best. only thing is, the'll test her for cat aids in a week or so & if she's positive then she & the kittens will have to be put down which means my 2 littlest cats, otter & deathwish (they're still stuck with stupid names) will more than likely be positive too
Erin's sick again.
nothing major but it's that time of year again & any cough or cold going around hits her 10 times worse.
i missed her last CF appointment because i wrote the wrong day down & the hospital have been real arsey about it so i'm guessing she'll have to wait untill november for another. they're so stuck up in oxford. well with me anyway. i'm the youngest parent there & they seem to think i don't know what i'm doing, or can't cope. i'm more than proving them wrong though she's not stayed in hospital since she was diagnosed over 18 months ago so i must be doing something right. some cystic kids are in for 2 weeks 3 or 4 times a year.
on a plus side....
my boy is a genius!
ok, so maybe not quite a genius, but he's the smartest kid at nursery.
i got called in to the office when i dropped him off friday morning.
"oh no, whats he done now?" i thought
his teacher is doing some research for oxford university & needs to observe & assess a child & she really wants to use Jaden!!
she said he's one of the brightest 4 year olds she's ever met & is way ahead of himself & the other kids
they may even think about putting him in school early if the assesment goes well, he's not due to start primary school untill next september but they think he will get too bored waiting untill then.
i can't belive it!
i've always thought he was clever, but if you've got kids yourself, you'll know that every parent thinks their kid is the best, so i put it down to that.
now i have actually been told by a proffessional that it's more than just a maternal presumption - he's damn smart!!
i am overflowwing with motherly pride & as soon as i have some cash, me & J are going toy shopping
yeah, just a Halloween change. Nothing permanent.
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