my kids have gone for the whole weekend!
party time?
you'd think so, wouldn't you.
not for me though, i'm going to be stuck in, having a major de-clutter & getting rid of useless crap i've accumulated over the years.
how fucking exciting!
started with my cd collection lastnight. i don't think i'll ever listen to clawfinger or hed pe again & fuck knows how opm got in there but i don't remember buying it! it was tough but some of them just had to go.
....hopefully something wil happen tonight. if not, i will make something happen.
i'm 23 next month, i should be out partying whenever i get chance not sitting at home doing grown-up things like housework!

Fankyou for my comment

nah make all the useless crap useful, i dont mean in a hippy kinda way just make something destructive that will cause hell to all.