I've almost recovered from download!
once all the bruises have gone & i catch up on all the sleep i missed i'll be fine
i've never been injured through sex so much in my life!!!
all in all i had a wicked time. not only did i see my best mate in the world who i've not seen for over a year, but the little angel(who had to work most of the time she was there for a certain shitty radio radion station who don't pay their staff fuck all) turned up with vip & kerrang passes!!! too many champagne cocktails that night me thinks
there were a few downers tho - turned up 10 mins before Team Sleep were meant 2 start & they were playin their last song! got started on by some dizzy drunken bitch trying to get in to see raging speedhorn so missed them. kinda glad tho as later on one of them - the bass player i think - decided it would be funny to jump on my mate jame's back & bounce his head off the concrete, broke his nose & split his head open then legged it & left him there to bleed. no apology no nothing fucking prick.
lost my weed saturday night & was hunting everywhere for it, only to find out the next morning that it was in my pocket the whole time. blonde moment, or was it the mushrooms?
i am never snorting mdma again
who else went? did you all have fun?

all in all i had a wicked time. not only did i see my best mate in the world who i've not seen for over a year, but the little angel(who had to work most of the time she was there for a certain shitty radio radion station who don't pay their staff fuck all) turned up with vip & kerrang passes!!! too many champagne cocktails that night me thinks

there were a few downers tho - turned up 10 mins before Team Sleep were meant 2 start & they were playin their last song! got started on by some dizzy drunken bitch trying to get in to see raging speedhorn so missed them. kinda glad tho as later on one of them - the bass player i think - decided it would be funny to jump on my mate jame's back & bounce his head off the concrete, broke his nose & split his head open then legged it & left him there to bleed. no apology no nothing fucking prick.
lost my weed saturday night & was hunting everywhere for it, only to find out the next morning that it was in my pocket the whole time. blonde moment, or was it the mushrooms?
i am never snorting mdma again
who else went? did you all have fun?

I am the jealous.