not much has been happening lately in the world that is klair, except i have kittens! sweet adorable week old kittens! yay!!! a neighbours cat ran away from her 'cuz she doesn't look after her animals proprely - bitch - & the cat decided to have her kittens at my house last saturday. they're soooooooooo cute. there's 3 left (2 died) & i want to keep them all, only problem is that'll mean i own 6 cats - DON'T KNOW IF I CAN HANDLE THAT MUCH PUSSY!!!
More Blogs
Tuesday Aug 09, 2005
..........i'm back! spent the last week staying with my grandpare… -
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".....keep free of negative thoughts, everything will be fine, we al… -
Sunday Jul 24, 2005
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Sunday Jul 17, 2005
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Friday Jul 15, 2005
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Thursday Jul 14, 2005
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Tuesday Jul 12, 2005
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Wednesday Jul 06, 2005
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Sunday Jun 26, 2005
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You realize that now that the cat chose you as the "den mother" you have a big responsibility to the whole pride of little lions. Animals know when earthquakes are coming, tsunamis, etc... can't question her instinct when she chose you over her former "owner".
Besides, if anyone could handle that much pussy...