long hair again!

i'm pissed off with trying to grow my hair really long again. 10 years of dye & heat abuse just isn't gettin me anywhere. it's much easier to stick someone elses hair on yourself than it is to wait!
erin's birthday party is tomorrow (she was 3 on sunday)
8 screaming kids running around my living room

although i know it will be heaps of fun for them all, and the cake neil had made for her is absolutely gorgeous, i can't wait for it to be over.
truth is i'm just too tired
turns out i haven't just been taking too much on recently, and wearing myself out.
apparently the rhumatologist i saw a year ago sent me a letter after the appontment telling me i have lupus.
i never got the letter, and if i hadn't changed my GP & broke down in tears in the new doctors office because of the pain in my shoulders 2 weeks ago, i still wouldn't know

love the hair. sorry about your diagnosis
hope that you have a happy and healthy 2007.

Well all i can say is i hope you get better and everything works out fior you