...when i first moved into my house, even though it's well dodgy area & i hate it, i was so excited because the most shit-hotest tattoo artist's studio is a minutes walk away! how cool is that. i've only managed to get 2 off him in the almost 4 years i've lived here (the guy charges 120 an hour for custom work & i'm not exactly rolling in cash) but i had loads planned for him when i'd saved up. there are plenty of tatooists round here - too many infact - but none as good as mike.
yesterday i found out he quit. just walked out of the shop

what else?
do you know what? there is more, but i've been that tired lately that i haven't even got the mental energy to form events into sentences. does that make sense?
i promise i will reply to you all soon, especially missmillie

sometimes you just need to relax and hope the energy comes back