* new profile picture. it's a bit crap but it's well good because:
a) my nose doesn't look big
b) it's taken on my phone & the quality is that bad you can't see my spots

* i'm not taking that house. it's being left open, the lady in teford isn't in a hurry to move so we'll talk again in 6 months time
* i got no easter eggs. i know i'm 23 but , come on!!
* primark kids section is flippin ace! i can fit into 11 year olds tops

* the new dominos football pizza thing is mingin

* i saw a friend at christmas for the first time in 4 years. they pulled his body out of the river severn while i was in Telford last week. it was his funeral yesterday but i couldn't afford a train ticket

* Hostel is a bit shit really
It's been a while since I saw something that was genuinely shocking/scary. I grabbed a copy of the DVD reissue of Cannibal Holocaust this week at work though. Man, that is still a fucked up film. I'm kinda surprised that it finally made it's way past the censors...not because it was excessively gory or anything, but the sexual violence, and animal cruelty aspects of the film are about as confronting as it gets for many people.