Erin was 2 yesterday!

my baby's not a baby anymore

i'm pleased she's growing up & learning more each day but it's happening so quickly. i know kids do grow up fast, we've all heard our parents or grandparents say it before, but, unless they come up with a cure for CF, i'm not going to have that much time with her. 20 years sounds like a lot, but if the speed at which the last 2 years have flown by at is anything to go by, 20 years is nothing. she seems fine now, but no matter how much i do for her, she's not going to get any better, only worse & worse untill she dies. i hate the fact that i'm powerless agianst it all

enough of the emo shit!!!
jadens been off school the last couple of days because he's been ill so we couldn't really do much. we ended up going bowling & to mc donalds then home for cake.....not very exciting but the kids had fun....

"daddy, i'm 2 now - i don't need any help"

mmm cake!

jaden managed to avoid most of the pictures we took somehow, he's a bit camera shy.
the kids got bored towards the end of the game & abandonned bowling for air-hockey with my mom, leaving me, neil & friend dom looking like total idiots - 3 adults with buffers up! (& we still did crap)
we did find it highly amusing though, when 2 kids who had been hurling themselves down the lane for 10 minutes, got a major bollocking from the manager!
nothing else to report. i'm getting my first night out since august tomorrow - it's been too long........that is if neil lets me

Haha unless i had another out of body experience it wasn't me. I was getting completely blitzed off my face a t afriends and took an interesting walk to find the chinese place we ordered from.
When you're in Brum again let me know though
Happy Birthday lil one!!
haha, im SO glad we didnt confront that guy last night by saying "Abortion?"
that could have ended quite badly!!