jaden came back from staying at my grandparents yesterday. he'd been there all week. i missed him so much, more than usual. it was nice to have a break but sometimes it feels like he's the only one on my side

not much to report lately :
getting over the flu
bought a new camera but haven't had chance to use it much
did some decorating - got to tone things down a bit if i ever want to get a transfer out of this goddamn place

took the kids to the fair, were having a great time but as per usual got suddenly dragged away in the middle of all the fun without warning just incase neils ex was there - she wasn't
i've cried far too much this week

i miss my nan & want to go home. but then i'll miss my mom
just found out my little sister has been going to the pub that jadens dad & his wife live at, she's only going there to stir shit. i know she's my sister but i fucking hate her & her mom is so psycotic it's unreal (threatened me with a breadknife when i was 10 months old) so there's going to be a whole new bunch of shit to deal with when they get going on me. her mom has always hated me & now she'll be able to find out loads of stuff about me from paul & twist it around & tell my grandparents - like the time she told them i was hooked on speed, i was 14 at the time & never even touched the stuff then. i can't fuking wait
i love life, can't you tell?

you can make it up to me by sending me a pic of you blowing me a kiss with your new camera!!
1 i'm adicted to poker
2 im a published photographer
3 i have a friend who is a lifestyle dominatrix
4 i play drums and would be lost without music
5 if hockey was a drug, id be high all day, an my fav team is the red wings
6 i have bowled a 300 game in league bowling
7 i have won a national dart tournament
8 i am so taken with girls who have a goth look even though im the complete opposite in looks, im a geek.
9 i am so amazed how women will pass over the right guy for the wrong guy
10 my favorite color is blue
11 my alltime favorite band is styx with bif naked a close second
12 im adicted to 80's music (i have a lot of adictions dont i?)
13 i have a fear of dying alone
14 i like to kiss
15 i want to find someone who likes to kiss
16 i like slapstick comedy
17 strip clubs are my krytonite
18 xbox..nuff said
19 my mom died last september
20 my life would end if i lost my son