Update: So, today I popped by Staples downtown and it looks like I'll be working for them at least part-time. That's a bit of a relief. Also, I fixed someone's computer today, so that's a small bit of extra money. And I got a call from Elections Canada. I'm going to be working on election day as a polling clerk.
In the meantime, bills are coming up fast and I'm freaking out about being able to afford them. So, tonight I'm gonna call my parents and see if they're going to be willing to co-sign a consolidation loan so I can pay off my credit cards at a more reasonable interest rate, and this will buy some time for me to get full-time work.
Ugh. I feel sick.
Another Update:
I did a rough draft of our taxes (need one more T4 each for Steph and I, I just estimated the amounts), and our return might be the little bit of extra help we need to make the vital bills at the end of this first month. Also, tomorrow at 11am I'm going to the orientation session for Labour Ready so that I can see about getting a few temp gigs from them that pay post-haste.
Which is good, bc mom & dad aren't able to cosign on a consolidation loan since dad's off work. Le sigh...
In the meantime, bills are coming up fast and I'm freaking out about being able to afford them. So, tonight I'm gonna call my parents and see if they're going to be willing to co-sign a consolidation loan so I can pay off my credit cards at a more reasonable interest rate, and this will buy some time for me to get full-time work.
Ugh. I feel sick.
Another Update:
I did a rough draft of our taxes (need one more T4 each for Steph and I, I just estimated the amounts), and our return might be the little bit of extra help we need to make the vital bills at the end of this first month. Also, tomorrow at 11am I'm going to the orientation session for Labour Ready so that I can see about getting a few temp gigs from them that pay post-haste.
Which is good, bc mom & dad aren't able to cosign on a consolidation loan since dad's off work. Le sigh...
I was working on a friend's/customer's computer when i yanked out my netbook to download some programs and i said under my breath "jesus this netbook is running like shit"
To which he snapped "That's comforting, you can't even keep your computer running right"
and i snapped back with "Shit yea dude! i work on computers every-effin-day, when i get time to myself that last thing i want to do is whip out my junk and start working on it, no profit in working on my own computers!"
The entire time i ran that business, my computers all went to shit.....i never worked on them.
With the imminent fear of being laid off i have started taking on side jobs again, just to hoard cash in case that happens.
For the last three days i have been writing html and css code by hand because i don't want to dish out the $200 for dreamweaver.
if i type <a href="idon'tgiveashit.aboutyourdamnwesbite.com><img src="ihateyou.jpg></a> one more time into Notepad++ my head may explode.
And i made the mistake of fixing one tattoo machine power supply for my friend, and now i have six stacked up beside me waiting to be troubleshot.