well well well...
here i am.
round 3.
this summer has been one rediculous dramafest, that i have been thankfully not a part of but gleefully watching from a distance. well except for the randon fights that have happened almost every monday on schedule. And since i refuse to sit back and watch friends fight, i jump right in.
For the first time in almost 3 years i have an actual godarethesebutterfliesinmystomach type of crush. Not another one of those 'im fucking you because i can' type of deals that i had a couple times so far this year.
shes a bad bitch. i love it.
unfortunately the stars are giving me mixed signals. Last week they said 'if i dont get it together by the 26th im screwed' in so many words. Well, we know if i like you ima slow as fuck mover. After about a month i finally pushed on the gas and were moving a bit but... here come the stars again. 'An ex will be making a comeback in july'.
i could have told you that! They were right on target when they said it last summer, and didnt Bren and i have the worst summer. Fighting and whatnot. I guess the difference is this summer according to the stars i get to make the decision. I still couldnt tell you what the decision would be. I got to see the cats when i went over to her and her gfs house the other day, it was weird but i think i was too high/drunk to care, and i really wated to see the cats. For some reason i feel like shes acting out because she wants the attention, but attention from who? me? ive been trying to give it to you forever and now that you want it, i dont know if i have any energy left my dear...
I got a moped about a month ago. Got drunk and forgot to lock it up correctly and it got stolen. well... i ended up snatching one that looks just like mine did the other day, and i think im picking up a completely new one tomorrow.
still no job, but i think im partying too hard right now to care.
here i am.
round 3.
this summer has been one rediculous dramafest, that i have been thankfully not a part of but gleefully watching from a distance. well except for the randon fights that have happened almost every monday on schedule. And since i refuse to sit back and watch friends fight, i jump right in.
For the first time in almost 3 years i have an actual godarethesebutterfliesinmystomach type of crush. Not another one of those 'im fucking you because i can' type of deals that i had a couple times so far this year.
shes a bad bitch. i love it.
unfortunately the stars are giving me mixed signals. Last week they said 'if i dont get it together by the 26th im screwed' in so many words. Well, we know if i like you ima slow as fuck mover. After about a month i finally pushed on the gas and were moving a bit but... here come the stars again. 'An ex will be making a comeback in july'.
i could have told you that! They were right on target when they said it last summer, and didnt Bren and i have the worst summer. Fighting and whatnot. I guess the difference is this summer according to the stars i get to make the decision. I still couldnt tell you what the decision would be. I got to see the cats when i went over to her and her gfs house the other day, it was weird but i think i was too high/drunk to care, and i really wated to see the cats. For some reason i feel like shes acting out because she wants the attention, but attention from who? me? ive been trying to give it to you forever and now that you want it, i dont know if i have any energy left my dear...
I got a moped about a month ago. Got drunk and forgot to lock it up correctly and it got stolen. well... i ended up snatching one that looks just like mine did the other day, and i think im picking up a completely new one tomorrow.
still no job, but i think im partying too hard right now to care.
It never stops honey....We have to become teflon and not let the shit stick.