which path do i take?
i have come to fork in the road.
which path?
i think i see dreams down one
and i see kassatsu down the other
which do i take?
i was never good at seperating dreams from life.
maybe they should not be seperated.
i will take both!

i had my paintings up at a club down the street.
then i had a nightmare that i went to get them and they were all gone.
so last night i was out for my gals b'day party....got a bit tipsy....climbed over a bunch of drunks and pulled all my paintings of the wall and took them home.
funny thing is the other artists that had work up followed my actions and did the same... i don't know why.
all of the sudden 4 other people pulled their stuff of the walls..... funny maybe they had the same dream....
but i'm glad i did it....the people working that night that i did not know....didn't even bat an eyelash!
anyone could of helped themselves to any of our pieces.

i locked myself out of the house!
i'm so smart!!!!!!!

Now you arent on.......