Well, today is the day!! At 7PM I'm getting my 1st tattoo! It's going to be on my stomach and I am soo nervous!
I'm trying to be all zen about it but that's not going so well! My bf is getting kinda annoyed and telling me to calm down.
For one thing I am like deathly afraid of needles, and secondly I don't want... Read More
you'll do fine. the needle doesnt enter you like a shot does plus, you probably wont see them working on your stomach. you'll most likely be lying on your back.
So I finally got a call from Macy's today offering me the job! So excited! I go in for my 1st day of training on Thursday
Also, it looks like I'm probably going to be shooting a set in April!
Things are finally getting better; now all I need is to get a car & get back in school!
So I have been applying for jobs like crazy, and I finally had an interview yesterday at Macy's.
The even better part being that if they hire me, I'll be working in the SHOE DEPARTMENT!!
I am completely obsessed with shoes, especially high heels, so this is like a dream. After the interview the woman showed me the shoe stock room and I think I... Read More
When did people become so selfish? I was just on facebook and there are quite a few people posting statements about how pissed off they are about Americans giving aid to the Japanese.
I just can't seem to wrap my head around this! I realize that we've obviously had our issues with Japan i.e. Pearl Harbor / WW2.
However, we have since become allies. The... Read More
as for your feelings toward facebook and the horrible disaster in japan.....there are so many IDIOTS in this world with fingers to type. its unfortunate that we have to read about their stupid opinions and reasoning but like fukkinridiculous said, just ignore it. there is always gonna be some douche bag saying something truly idiotic.
keep smiling your beautiful smile!
have a great weekend!
i dont think i would want a timer. it's kind of like skipping all the good stuff in a movie and fastforwarding to the end. its a bit like... you cheat the system. if i had a timer id probably be the biggest jerk in the world and not care about the consequences because id know that at whatever time my timer says ill find my "one".
So several weeks back my boyfriend and I bought gym memberships. And it's been great to be able to work out; I've missed it a lot. However, there are just a few things that have really been getting on my nerves. Such as the fact that apparently I'm supposed to be dressed up like I'm going on a date...but in sweatpants. I swear nearly every... Read More
First, I have to say that your set is simply awesome!! you are very sexy! I really dig it, and your choice of shoes. I like your turtle ring.
second, the Kardshians are all stupid and they can suck rocks!
I don't really understand why guys think its a good idea to go to the gym in groups to pick up chicks. I'm sure that all the chicks there just think those guys are creepy. Those chicks that get all dolled up aren't down there for fitness anyway, they are just there because they have hidden insecurities. They are just easy whores who need the attention of the guys who come down there in groups to try and cheat on their spouses. well thats just my opinion. I believe that CrazyBen is right.