What's going on SG?

Just decided to upload some random pictures out of bordum haha.

I've been craving Pokemon lately. I don't know what it is haha. Iv'e also been craving Harvest Moon. Which reminds me that I have never played Animal Crossing before. Although I hear good reviews on it, and that there might be a 3D version released? Also, did anyone see the new preview for the new Halo? I don't really play Halo, but it looks pretty freakin sweet. ugh. I hate not having the money to buy new games. And i really miss my gameboy from when I was a kid. I love those old handheld video games.....
Also, you know how on video games they have those warnings like that tell you not to play for a certain amount of time, take breaks, and don't stare at the screen for too long? When i was like ten, i totally remember playing Spyro for like nine hours straight, and I threw up. haha. It was still awesome.
Isn't this just so adorable? too bad it can't be original now that it's already been done. My hopes and dreams are crushed
just kidding.


Just decided to upload some random pictures out of bordum haha.

I've been craving Pokemon lately. I don't know what it is haha. Iv'e also been craving Harvest Moon. Which reminds me that I have never played Animal Crossing before. Although I hear good reviews on it, and that there might be a 3D version released? Also, did anyone see the new preview for the new Halo? I don't really play Halo, but it looks pretty freakin sweet. ugh. I hate not having the money to buy new games. And i really miss my gameboy from when I was a kid. I love those old handheld video games.....
Also, you know how on video games they have those warnings like that tell you not to play for a certain amount of time, take breaks, and don't stare at the screen for too long? When i was like ten, i totally remember playing Spyro for like nine hours straight, and I threw up. haha. It was still awesome.
Isn't this just so adorable? too bad it can't be original now that it's already been done. My hopes and dreams are crushed


haha idk why but i've been craving pokemon to lol. i'm going out and buying a ds just so i can play the new one. i haven't played since i was like 10.
I am too! haha. next pay check I will be playing a ds