heyy SG LAND! :) I have been in the suicide girls community for a long time and I have uploaded several sets but this time I come with something new for me that is ''my first multi'' in collaboration with a great friend, whom I met thanks to suicide girls.
among other people i have made a great friendship with @asiri and i could have the luck to make a beautiful set with her, it was very nice experience, fun, sexy, comfortable, and also with @gaborcinus who i recommend again to work because it is very professional and has a beautiful and great job.
I invite you to go through each of the photos and see how much fun it was to eat candy from our bodies n.n
Suicide Girls, occupies 50% of my life! I am very happy to have been able to collaborate with her, she is a great friend!
Tell me what you think of the pictures!! ... And also with which model do you think I should make my next multi set?
CANDY CRUSH check it :)
@missy @penny