Damn, it has been a long time, over two months. I have been in and out of the country, mostly going to Central America to check out mineral leases. It sounds pretty boring, but let me tell you that jeep travel (or more accurately, Toyota travel) in Guatamala is an adventure in itself. My kidneys will never be the same. So far, or all the places I've been I like Belize the best. For one thing, they speak English primarily -- I am language retarded, and can only speak a wee bit of Spanish after taking it in high school and college. Second, the Belizians are not corrupt -- they demand respect, not bribes, which is a welcome change from some other places that will remain unmentioned. Third, Belize is a beautiful place -- if you get a chance, go there.
gosh I would looove to travel more...especially Belize sounds awesome, I had missed you, welcome back!