Got back at about 3 from East Leeds Lions Easter Rally. It was sooooooo fucking fun!! Had an amazing time! Arrived on the Friday at about 6pm, got the tent up and then began the drinking!! I was WANKERED! haha, loved it! It started snowing and we then had about 6 inches of snow, and yes we still camped in it, it was pretty cold but im getting used to winter camping now so its not so bad ahahaha. Its a shame we were so skint, had 60 for the whole weekend so we basically spent it on food and mainly alcohol hurrah! A lot of people left on saturday morning/afternoon because it was so cold and coz of the snow but of course being hardcore we stayed. the snow was gone by early evening. the band on the saturday night was fucking amazing. called heavy load and they were totally amazing. got back to the tent, again of course i was pissed as a fart. Just as was going to sleep heard the snow starting again, stupid snowwww lol. Woke up at some time in the early hours, it was light, poked my eyes out of the sleeping bag, saw snow attached to the outside of the tent, needed a piss but just went 'ah fuck that' and went back into the sleeping bag like some kind of navy green slug lol. woke up then at about half eleven and the sun was shining through the tent and it was all snug and warm
The ride home was fucking COLDDD!!! Thought my hands were going to drop off! Seriously thought i had hypothermia lmao. But yeah, definately going to that rally again, it was fucking awesome. As soon as Bash sends me some photos i will put some up. And will show u the wonder that was "The Snow Pig", snow man but it was a pig, decided to make one whilewaiting for the rest of people to wake up. (incase u dont know our bike club is The Greedy Pigs MCC, hense the snow PIG.
Anywho, that is long enough i think, photoies soon hopefully

Anywho, that is long enough i think, photoies soon hopefully

I'm weird, I know.
Not sure when the next time i'll be in england lol. Probably around October time, not sure. Anyways it's your turn to come up here lol. Just give me plenty of notice