Hello SG kittens!

More than 1600 comments and still counting! Thanks to every and each one of you.

Shooted by Robert_Lautrec. But come and look:
Kitty Wu "Red Velvet Kitten"Kitty Wu "Red Velvet Kitten"Kitty Wu "Red Velvet Kitten"

Thank you!

I have to start this blog by saying that Ive been very, very sick for the past 5 days. Somehow I catched this terrible and nasty cold, that put me in bed for the whole weekend with sneezes and fever, and the worst part is that although all the rest and medicine, I still feel like crap. I started taking shots and pray they work fast. Because I have classes to teach and I dont want to miss work

The good part of being at bed is that I could check out many beautiful sets, and that makes me really happy, I love this site!

Im getting to know a lot of interesting and great people, and lots of gorgeous girls. _ That is so inspiring and alluring, that blows my mind, haha, honestly.
Lots of love for all the beautiful SGs and hopefuls out there, kisses to all!
Now I want to write a bit more about my first set:
The couple of cats that stole camera with their charms, Ra and Osiris! Ra is the 3 color mix sphinx, a handsome male cat. And Osiris, a cute small peach color sphinx baby gir, she is a princess!
Everybody thinks those are my cats, but sadly no, they belong to one of my best friends called Tracy, she is a complete sphinx fan, she has more than 8 cats in her place, which turns out to be the location we choose for my set. So those fancy red velvet furniture and stuff are also Tracys. She was super considerated to let me use her fancy and awesome apartment, we had a blast taking this set, that is why I try my best for you to enjoy it

With all her cats I was hoping to have many cats on the shoot, but they were to many and very, very mischievious, so they started to play with everything and it was kitty caos!! hahaha, so only 2 of them made it to the shoot: Ra and Osiris.

Osiris is a total diva, she was very picky and liked more to play and run, than modeling for the camera, haha. By other side, Ra is a very lovely and super cuddly cat, so he was more than happy to paticipate and to pose next to me.

His story is a bit sad, because he is the only adopted cat at its place, he came from this house where they abused of him, he has many scars on his body and is a very demanding kitty, he just want love, I dont understand how someone can harm a wonderful creature like this. But the best part is that now where he lives is like kitty heaven and he was renamed like the cat god he is
There was this amazing bengal kitty that I wanted so bad to add to the set, called Sputnik, but although he was soooo beautiful and magnificent, he only wanted to play and jump over everything, haha, so it was like a joke imagine him posing for just a second.
But here is a picture of him, omg, he is a wonderful animal:

This is a very personal set and I tried my best to show part of my personality with it, to give you a look of how I imagine myself. It might not be the best, but it is my first try at it, so, Ill try to correct the errors in it, and improve myself, so the next time will be only better and better.

Promise to write more about my set on my next update! Kisses to all!

Thanks for all your best wishes, love, comments and messages, always welcome, loved and appreciated! Lots of love for all of you

Hahaha, Im a True Blood fan.

Love to all!

XOXO = =

Sorry... no pude evitar el chiste bobo
Va ms amortsss para tu set!