Hello SG cuties!

First, Im so happy and grateful because my debut set percentage has gone 95%, YAY! it might not be a big deal, but for me is a whole world of difference. Thanks so much to everyone who made this possible, members and cute girls, love for all! 95% and still counting! more than 1230 comments already, wow, Im amazed by it, thanks!

This boudoir style set was shooted by my very dear friend and photographer Robert_Lautrec. But come and check it out so you can enjoy my set:
Kitty Wu "Red Velvet Kitten"
Kitty Wu "Red Velvet Kitten"
Kitty Wu "Red Velvet Kitten"
Every click gets me closer and closer to really become a SG and that is so awesome and exciting. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and just hoping for the best.

Thank you!
This have been a very rainy week over here. Weather is damn crazy, cloudy, hot and sunny at the same time. Horribly hot on the afternoon and heavily pouring at evening. This weather is a sure trap to catch a cold, my Bf and me have been struggling because we almost catch it, but guess not, just a little sored throat and a bit of body ache.
Yesterday I ended up a course with a kids class, we watched a movie "The Last Unicorn", did a drawing and had candy because was our last class day, the principal even took a group picture, it was an all girls class, very sweet and playful. They were so kind to tell me I was their favorite teacher and everybody hugged me, yay, that was so awesome n_n
Promise to write more about my set on my next update! Kisses!

Lots of love for all the beautiful SGs and hopefuls out there, kisses to all!

Here are some of those beautiful and gorgeous ladies, show some sweet support on their fantastic sets:
TammyRiot Comix Venture

Vikat Lost in Fantasy

Jaruki The Secret Room

Eddison Afternoon Delight

Ruska Cinnamon Skin

Reedus Lazy Sunday

Ramonne Rouge Jack

Rosetta 10,000 Days

Klavicle Lorraine

Pavone Heart of the Afternoon

Thanks for all your love, comments and messages, always welcome, loved and appreciated!
Love to all!



hermosa gracias por tu apoyo eres un dulce

aaawww thanks girl
Love U