Hello cuties
Wanted to share with you some random thoughts:
Today I just watched David Bowies last video, and there is one of my favorite actresses, Tilda Swinton!! omg! I love her, she is so talented, beautiful and alluring! check out the video, David Bowie - The Stars (Are Out Tonight):
She also is one of the main characters in this excellent drama "We Need to Talk About Kevin", a magnificent and astounding performance, the plot is intriging and raw. I highly recommend this movie, check out the trailer:
Today is Monday and I like Mondays, the main reason is because is payday at work, hehe.
Oldies but goodies, The Smashing Pumpkins - The Everlasting Gaze
And please, show little love on my very own first set, pretty please, keep supporting me. *wink wink*
Kitty Wu "Red Velvet Kitten"
Kitty Wu "Red Velvet Kitten"

Love for all my girls!

Wanted to share with you some random thoughts:
Today I just watched David Bowies last video, and there is one of my favorite actresses, Tilda Swinton!! omg! I love her, she is so talented, beautiful and alluring! check out the video, David Bowie - The Stars (Are Out Tonight):
She also is one of the main characters in this excellent drama "We Need to Talk About Kevin", a magnificent and astounding performance, the plot is intriging and raw. I highly recommend this movie, check out the trailer:
Today is Monday and I like Mondays, the main reason is because is payday at work, hehe.
Oldies but goodies, The Smashing Pumpkins - The Everlasting Gaze
And please, show little love on my very own first set, pretty please, keep supporting me. *wink wink*
Kitty Wu "Red Velvet Kitten"
Kitty Wu "Red Velvet Kitten"

Love for all my girls!


Gracias por tu comentario!