Hello to all!
First, THANKS TO ALL who showed some love at my first set:
Kitty Wu "Red Velvet Kitten"
Really appreciate your comments about it, so I can take that on mind for my next set and help me improve, so thanks!
Been a very exciting the last few days, with my set up, but also very busy at work.
But if there is one thing that can turn me into a walking dead is no sleeping, and for the last couple of months have been exhausting because my problem with sleeping is just getting worse, making me feel tired and numb all day This is because an interruption of a medication that I have to take due a medical condition, need to get back on my meds. Sleeping is just part of it, my back is killing me, anxiety sometimes rush in, among other symptoms
Saturdays are my busiest day of the week, and today really wore me out. My classes started one hour early because a new class, so 4 hours straight teaching English to the same people, I truly love my students but my sleeping issues makes me feel drowzy and it is horrible when you have to speak to a group of people. But class came out just pretty good
I just want to get cozy with my bf, watch a movie and expect to have a good night sleep, because I really need it Wish me luck!
When I was driving to work early morning today, I was singing this korean song wich I totally looooove:
2NE1 - I Am The Best
My korean pronunciation definitely sucks but singing this song always cheer me up and I needed that
Kisses and an excellent weekend to all!
First, THANKS TO ALL who showed some love at my first set:
Kitty Wu "Red Velvet Kitten"
Really appreciate your comments about it, so I can take that on mind for my next set and help me improve, so thanks!
Been a very exciting the last few days, with my set up, but also very busy at work.
But if there is one thing that can turn me into a walking dead is no sleeping, and for the last couple of months have been exhausting because my problem with sleeping is just getting worse, making me feel tired and numb all day This is because an interruption of a medication that I have to take due a medical condition, need to get back on my meds. Sleeping is just part of it, my back is killing me, anxiety sometimes rush in, among other symptoms
Saturdays are my busiest day of the week, and today really wore me out. My classes started one hour early because a new class, so 4 hours straight teaching English to the same people, I truly love my students but my sleeping issues makes me feel drowzy and it is horrible when you have to speak to a group of people. But class came out just pretty good
I just want to get cozy with my bf, watch a movie and expect to have a good night sleep, because I really need it Wish me luck!
When I was driving to work early morning today, I was singing this korean song wich I totally looooove:
2NE1 - I Am The Best
My korean pronunciation definitely sucks but singing this song always cheer me up and I needed that
Kisses and an excellent weekend to all!
<3 felicidades por tu set <3 les quedaron increibles las fotos en verdad <3 <3 lots of love. Muchas de mis cosas favoritas en una sola sesin fotogrfica <3
you must sound so cute when singing korean ^^