So, the hottest woman on the planet is single again. Seems like it should be a happy thing, but I am sad for Dita. I do not know her, and I know celebrity "news" is a total myth, but the story seems genuinely sad. She and Mr. Manson were together for 7 years before committing to marriage, they have four pets together, and now she...
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thanks for the comment on my new set!
Argh, I totally dreamt about SG related stuff for the only time ever, and it was scary!
I was kidnapped, my hair cut, my lip pierced, someone made me up and drugged me. Then I had to pretend to be into this large robot computer thing for a set. Also there was lots of cutting and bleeding.
I think that was my end of semester...
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I was kidnapped, my hair cut, my lip pierced, someone made me up and drugged me. Then I had to pretend to be into this large robot computer thing for a set. Also there was lots of cutting and bleeding.

I think that was my end of semester...
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wow, that is an amazing dream...might have been a bit disturbibg for you during it, but in retrospec...that is pretty neat...
The weather is finally changing, and I'm pleased. My Carnivale buddies and I finished season two last night; it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be, there was less screaming and more smart. Good job.
I have to write a paper on Vandover and the Brute, but luckily I get to connect it to The Picture of Dorian Gray and Transatlantic ideas of...
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I have to write a paper on Vandover and the Brute, but luckily I get to connect it to The Picture of Dorian Gray and Transatlantic ideas of...
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I don't have cable and have never seen that show but I did put season one on my cmas list because that's how badly I want to see it... was that a bad idea?
hey, thanks for the response. I stumbled across your journal and saw you were talking about that and it sounded as if you had a little bit of a negative opnion of the show. Maybe, it'll end up under my tree- but probably not.
I really love being married! The wedding was beautiful, the food was tasty, and we got to see so many friends. And the presents just keep coming. It's amazing.
Lots of academic work on the way. Soon a new haircolor and perhaps my first tattoo. Things are so very good and exciting, but I still miss the sun.
Lots of academic work on the way. Soon a new haircolor and perhaps my first tattoo. Things are so very good and exciting, but I still miss the sun.
ive got lots of sun
Soon! I'll be here waiting with bated breath in my house of dust and wine. That or I'll drive down to y'all.
Marriage in 1 month. School decision time in 2 days. Whoa life creeps up on me.
that is my life right now, complicated too by the fact that my school is over 2000 miles away, and my fiance about 500...
I am going in to a temp agency on Tuesday. Hopefully they'll be able to offer me some things. That will be after a wonderful weekend of escape to Virgina to see my special somebody. These things are good good good.
Less good is continuing to wait on news from my PhD programs. UVA, U Minnesota, Penn State, and U Wisconsin have already notified their...
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Less good is continuing to wait on news from my PhD programs. UVA, U Minnesota, Penn State, and U Wisconsin have already notified their...
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Good luck with everything.
bien fortunes with your alphabet hunt
Being mostly unemployed is deeply boring.
February, please be over sooner?
February, please be over sooner?
isn't it weird, when you're working you want free time and when you're unemployed there's not enough to entertain yourself. how is tipping the velvet? my gal pal is reading it.......i've always wondered how someone can write about the past (way back when) without actually experiencing the period......
Now I'm living life without school and it is strange. I am fairly certain that I disaprove, especially since I cannot prioritize reading over most else and call it work. That's been really sad, but it has kicked me into getting my room a lot cleaner, exercising some, and being social. I'm still reading mind you, and I have a job so I am being...
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at least your keeping busy
if you worked at wholefoods i'd see you all the time. i wish you were in school still too! when are you moving?
Master's Thesis = finished.
Very happy = me
Very happy = me
Congratulations are in order. I have a bottle of port right here for you, which does you no good, really...
Congratulations nonetheless.
Congratulations nonetheless.

Learning to like tea is filled with more trial and error than most things I've ever done as far as beverages and foods go. Some are great, some are lame, but the vast majority just falls under "smells good but doesn't effin' taste". At least I know that I don't care for much in my tea
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!
And Happy Thanksgiving!!!
And Happy Thanksgiving!!!