"Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep."
-Fran Lebowitz
Where have I been...buried under a pile of too much schoolwork...is it ever gonna end? I finally finished my "big" paper, but I still have 3 little ones--but at least now I can breath. And then finals and then finally summer!!!! How is everybody? I'm exhausted, my insominia coupled with schoolwork that lasts until the wee hours of the morning--i'm averaging only about 2 hours of sleep at night, if that much. So needless to say I am feeling a little disconnected and delerious. and hopelessly torqued up on caffiene. Hope everyone is having a good week so far....
-Fran Lebowitz


You are goreous!!

Yea I'm doing well. I wanted to say bye. Tomorrow I'm leaving for Paris on business. Cool huh? I'll be gone over a month. It'll be fun I hope. I'll talk to you later. Maybe from over there. Bye.