"Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
It's a fucking gorgeous day!!!!! I have some new pictures to post, but I'd rather be outside. Nothing interesting to report...been nightfishing the past few nights--lots of fun. How is everybody else?
question: what is the worst (or most evil) lie you have ever told?
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

question: what is the worst (or most evil) lie you have ever told?

I've never been fishing...I imagine it is very relaxing, and just as long as I didn't have to lay a hand on those slippery little buggars I'd be fine!
Worst/most evil lie??...hmmm, gotto admit I'm a pretty honest person almost to a fault, so any lies would have been very little and white. Mind you, like Grizz, I did have a pretty sordid affair with a "friend" it was YEARS ago now - I was single then... he wasn't married but he did have a girlfriend at the time, kind've a twisted power trip for me really. Purely thrill sex, no emotion. Bad bad Miss D.
[Edited on Mar 30, 2004 9:58PM]