I am feeling better, but I'm still coughing and worst of all, my lips are chapped--that is so yuk. On top of that, my dog killed a squirrel yesterday...and I'm not sure, but it might have been "snow squirrel". EEEEWWWW and Yuk...I have no idea how the little sob even caught it, let alone killed it.

It is a fanfuckingtastic, beautiful today--all sunshine and daisies (okay no daisies--but i like daisies). Makes we want to do something...but I probably won't figure out what to do until the day's over. Well enough of the grotesque details of my illness and my dog's new taste for blood....later
dogs and cats are weird-- my cat catches snakes and kills them and leaves them on my porch.. she doesnt like birds anymore.. dont ask me why.