I think I'm getting sick. This girl that sits next to me in Adv Psychopathology doesn't cover her mouth when she coughs...eeewww! And we have assigned seats, so there is no escaping the germ carrier. Anyway, I am coughing and just generally feeling like shit. And of course I am feeling sorry for myself, blah blah blah...who wants to hear me whine--nobody, not even me...lol I am thinking about submitting an app for SG--but I need to get the nerve to--and also get to feeling better. I hate rejection. Have you seen those singing, floating, guitar-playing rodents on the Quizno's commercials--my dog finds them very disturbing....go to
http://www.rathergood.com/moon_song/ and you can see their original song...my dog doesn't like it any better.
Drink Camomile tea, and drown your flu in pure DXM until you start hallucinating. Then stop.
In my opinion you'd be a most welcome SG.
I have nothing more insightful to say other than colds suck. I hope you feel better soon.