I went to bed at 10 PM for the first time in a loooooooooooooooooooooong time. So now, I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed at 4 AM. I spose it's time to play catch up, eh?
Three tomatoes are walking down the street- a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and smooshes him... and says, Catch up.

I have undergone drastic aestetic change once again. Welcome to the latest version of my self. You can count on change folks. The transition took over two hours. My hairs had to be lightened, then a base was applied, and then dye and a couple of foils for sublte highlights. I also got a slight trim to get rid of the mini mullet that had been sneaking up on me. I hadn't had a single hair cut since I shaved the whole mess to fuzz in February.

In the past couple of years it's been black...orange....

...and red....

....and chocolate cherry-like....

...and blonde...

...and pink....

The last is roughly what it was just before having all these things done to it. The back was almost white. I loved my pink hair, but it was getting too difficult to maintain with bleaching and dying and root touch ups and scowering stores for the right dye and being told they've never heard of it, are out for now, out indefinitely, and/or think the company discontinued it.. I am suprisingly pleased with and enamoured of the new color though.

And also happy belated fourth to everyone. I spent the day at my mom's festival setting up, painting faces, selling beverages, tearing down, getting called "cutie", and then got to watch the fireworks on the river with Aaron, Chris, my family, and a swarm of drunkards. It was a good time aside from aquiring a ridiculous, hillbillie, t-shirt shaped burn on one arm.

I also recieved my "official" acceptance back to CIA letter. I'll be a Third year Drawing Major in the 4 year program. It's relieving and nerve racking all at the same time. I didn't have the best of experiences the first time around and have been hearing mixed reviews from students and faculty about the current state of affairs. It's been difficult to convince myself this time is going to be better. I can at least assure myself this time will be different.
I will leave you on a highly amusing and satisfying note:

I have about 10,112 songs on my computer.
Love, peace, and chicken grease....and by chicken grease.....I mean something pink and sugary....like cotton candy maybe.

I haven't gone through drastic aesthetic changes since 10th grade. I am boring.