Tattoo : Dandelion
Artist : Dewey
Shop : Goodfellas in North Ridgeville, Ohio
A. Healing : The genus name of the dandelion comes from the Greek word taraxos, which means disorder, and akos, which means remedy. The species name, officinale, means that it is used medicinally.
B. Religious reference to "You see flowers in these weeds" lyric from Five Iron Frenzy's Dandelions
C. Strength: Some sources claim the word dandelion comes from the old French word Dent-de-lion or from the Latin dens leonis, both also meaning lions tooth or teeth.
They are also more difficult to exterminate than almost any other weed.
This particular dandelion came from an ad in one of my fianc's magazines. It was of a dandelion next to a speaker. It just so happened to have everything I was looking for.
I chose my artist on recommendation from people I have trusted with my body for a few years. My piercers are like doctors. They are very safe, clean, organized, and professional with everything they do. I have always been extremely impressed with their work and trust their word.
Despite all that happy trash, I was a pretty nervous, considering this was my first substantial tattoo. It wasn't so much fear of the pain or permanence, but fear of the unknown. Thankfully, my artist was calm and confident. Aaron, Chris, and Justin were there for "moral support". He was nice enough to let them all sit at my feet and watch him work. He even had the hookup so we could listen to my Ipod.
The variety of emotions and physical sensations that happen when I get any sort of body modification always excites and fascinates me. I loved this entire experience from brainstorming to bandaging....
..and now healing.(:

Artist : Dewey
Shop : Goodfellas in North Ridgeville, Ohio
A. Healing : The genus name of the dandelion comes from the Greek word taraxos, which means disorder, and akos, which means remedy. The species name, officinale, means that it is used medicinally.
B. Religious reference to "You see flowers in these weeds" lyric from Five Iron Frenzy's Dandelions
C. Strength: Some sources claim the word dandelion comes from the old French word Dent-de-lion or from the Latin dens leonis, both also meaning lions tooth or teeth.
They are also more difficult to exterminate than almost any other weed.
This particular dandelion came from an ad in one of my fianc's magazines. It was of a dandelion next to a speaker. It just so happened to have everything I was looking for.

I chose my artist on recommendation from people I have trusted with my body for a few years. My piercers are like doctors. They are very safe, clean, organized, and professional with everything they do. I have always been extremely impressed with their work and trust their word.
Despite all that happy trash, I was a pretty nervous, considering this was my first substantial tattoo. It wasn't so much fear of the pain or permanence, but fear of the unknown. Thankfully, my artist was calm and confident. Aaron, Chris, and Justin were there for "moral support". He was nice enough to let them all sit at my feet and watch him work. He even had the hookup so we could listen to my Ipod.
The variety of emotions and physical sensations that happen when I get any sort of body modification always excites and fascinates me. I loved this entire experience from brainstorming to bandaging....

..and now healing.(:

yes! good band. i haven't got to see them live yet. fif is/was a good show, did you ever get to see them?
lol the chocolate is my fault [on your mouse]. I have that affect on people.... and sugar.