What the hell is it with Mercury in retrograde???!!! I fucking swear everytime this happens I want to kill every mother fucker on the planet!! Doesn't help that Sis and I appear to share a cosmic wavelength and when she is mad at the world (being an Air sign) she has a tendency to project and lucky me being a Water sign (Pisces), my empathic tendencies kick in and I feel it all!!
On a better note.. Pirates rocked!!!! Was worth the lack of sleep to go. I can't wait to see P3!! And to make P3 even better..... Chow Yun Fat will be appearing in this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I *LOVE* Chow Yung Fat!! Back in the day, he and Woo ruled the Asian film industry with their action flicks!! Hard Boiled, A Better Tomorrow, Better Tomorrow 2, the Long Goodbye.. and of course his more American works kick ass to, like the Replacement Killers (ok not so much on this one) and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Hopefully I'll be able to let loose and beat a painslut tonight at Hathor's Garden.
On a better note.. Pirates rocked!!!! Was worth the lack of sleep to go. I can't wait to see P3!! And to make P3 even better..... Chow Yun Fat will be appearing in this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I *LOVE* Chow Yung Fat!! Back in the day, he and Woo ruled the Asian film industry with their action flicks!! Hard Boiled, A Better Tomorrow, Better Tomorrow 2, the Long Goodbye.. and of course his more American works kick ass to, like the Replacement Killers (ok not so much on this one) and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Hopefully I'll be able to let loose and beat a painslut tonight at Hathor's Garden.

That's extremely fascinating Astrological talk...very detailed.