Bleh. Day 2 of what I'm calling the "Mermaid Flu". My lungs still feel like they're drowning and food isn't really too appealing. On a good note I did get to see Superman Returns on Tues night (had I just went to be instead of doing the late night feature I'd prolly not miss 2 days of work.) Was awesome and yet a wee bit creepy. Routh not only looks like Reeve but sounds like him too.. like he was channeling him.. *shiver*. The movie was dedicated to both Christopher and Dana Reeve. And gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl let me tell you.. they may have had to cgi his johnson down.. but guddamn!! Boy is hung like a horse!! Yeeeeeeeehaw! His gf is lucky. THink I might head over to Norrath and grind up some lvls.
Sorry to hear you're not to well, I'm sure it'll pass soon though
Superman's good eh? I heard that the new guy did a good version of the old Superman, was a bit concerned that the old outfit would look daft nowadays but then it wouldn't be Superman without it
I remember reading about the old 70's Batman series where they had to put something in the guy who played Robin's tea so he wouldn't (ahem) stand out so much... so hooray for cgi sparing Routh a bit of shrinkage!