Well fuck.. its Mon yet again.. and another fabulous weekend comes to a close. I went to the Coney Island Mermaid Parade to see a good friend get hitched... well she talked me, Sis and the boi to march with her in the parade like a grp and at the judges stand the took their vows. I had handfasted them with a cord I had made before the parade started so that they would be "Fastened together before the final vows are made" and so Pirate Jen wouldn't try and slip off in a dingy! Needless to say.. The Pirate got her Booty!
My friend's wedding will be a spead in the New York Post with pix of all of us running amok! (She had some pro photographer offer to take pix for free) Anyhoo.. fun was had by all. And had I known that NYC PRIDE was yesterday I would have made it a full weekend! Will be going next year and might try to get NYC PRiDE in too!!!
Thank Goddess the rain stayed at bay until the offerings were made to the sea and then She let it rip!! It was raining sooooo hard it felt like hail!!! Luckily we had all changed at the car before heading out for the Strawberry Shortcake Wedding Cake at the booth near Shoot the Freak on the Boardwalk along with a beer and some clams. Had a talk with Fred while NY Finest (and dayum they had the *FINE* ones out on Sat) hung out about 25ft away. *snicker* I love sticking it to the Man!!!
Enjoy the pix.. still waiting on the the wedding ones.. apparently the photographer had a great time with me and the Caddy! Weeeeeeeeeeeee!
My friend's wedding will be a spead in the New York Post with pix of all of us running amok! (She had some pro photographer offer to take pix for free) Anyhoo.. fun was had by all. And had I known that NYC PRIDE was yesterday I would have made it a full weekend! Will be going next year and might try to get NYC PRiDE in too!!!
Thank Goddess the rain stayed at bay until the offerings were made to the sea and then She let it rip!! It was raining sooooo hard it felt like hail!!! Luckily we had all changed at the car before heading out for the Strawberry Shortcake Wedding Cake at the booth near Shoot the Freak on the Boardwalk along with a beer and some clams. Had a talk with Fred while NY Finest (and dayum they had the *FINE* ones out on Sat) hung out about 25ft away. *snicker* I love sticking it to the Man!!!
Enjoy the pix.. still waiting on the the wedding ones.. apparently the photographer had a great time with me and the Caddy! Weeeeeeeeeeeee!