well shit, it's been since November...but out and about I was tonight, what with Dave_H being in town and all, and there are peeps I miss! So here I am checking in and thinking I ought to say hey! Who's going to Bootie tomorrow???
ditto to what thistle said. You haven't changed your journal since I was there? Holy crap. That was a long time ago.
Hey. I'm coming! See my journal (dated for today in case it's changed by the time you see this). I can count on your place in SF?
Hello! I have been most absent around these parts. I was just looking around and thinking it has been a while since I have seen many folks. Perhaps we ought to look into a brunch soon! Plus Bootie and New Wave are quickly approaching, as well as my birthday. Oh the parties to come!

hey lady, long time no nuthin!

Happy Birthday though!
Sir, you have really been lax here. HN and I needed to reactivate long enough to pull our personal stuff down. You're so smart to not have any to begin with... PAWS!
Damn, it's been almost a month since I updated. These days my computer access has been limited and I haven't been home too much- I tend to be working out during the day and then work at night and of course bar wandering and dancing here and there. So how the hell is everyone doing?
Moved-I love my new apartment, even though I am on the other end of the world. Uber happy to have all of my stuff back....still finishing the decorating and such, well I suppose it is more like the getting the last few things to make it all work. My bedroom is glorious and has two walls of windows (read: I desperately need curtains so I...
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So I finally did it- I finally joined myspace. Granted my page sucks right now,as I do not know how to do anything to make it cool yet. But if you are one of the people I should add, go look for me under my real-world name, or send me a msg. In other news, I have stored my stuff at a friends and it...
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where you at. 2 months.
no I mean you haven't updated a journal in a while.

I'm not coming for a visit until around march.
I love the weather today! I liberated my cats from my soon to be former apartment! All there is left to do is finish the packing and then move my shit before the 15th. Then it is floating free @ til June whilst apartment searching! Oh, and it is Pop Roxx tom!!! love
I was thinking about you when brushing my teeth this morning. The two were unrelated. But, I miss you!!

Sorry everything turned out so wacky with the roomate.
Moving again? It seems like everytime I talk to you you're either moving or just moved. smile
well, my roommate situation has finally gotten to unbearable- so it looks as though I will be moving my stuff into a friends basement for storage and then homeless for a month or so til June when my new roommate (and a dear friend for 10+ years) is out of his lease and my new roommate (well, technically again, as we roomed together in college)....
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have you ever wondered why it always seems that at hotels there is a new or fairly new roll of toilet paper? Well, when you work in a restaurant connected to a hotel, you discover that you are stuck with tiny weird rolls of toilet paperin the employee restroom, that are perpetually running out...because changing the tp in your room is too mundane an activity...
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I always let my roomate change mine.
have you ever wondered why it always seems that at hotels there is a new or fairly new roll of toilet paper? Well, when you work in a restaurant connected to a hotel, you discover that you are stuck with tiny weird rolls of toilet paperin the employee restroom, that are perpetually running out...because changing the tp in your room is too mundane an activity...
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ah yes, cold is nearly completely wiped out. I am actually convinced that guiness and fernet helps get rid of the pesky germs! Today is much nicer out than I had heard it was supposed to be. Unfortunately I need to drag my butt to the gym and pronto!
Missed you at Poproxx on Sat. We stayed until 1:15ish and then went somewhere else. Did you go? Are you going to go to DNA this Saturday for Bassnectar?
I am glad your feeling better. The pollen out here is kicking my ass right now. meh