Moved-I love my new apartment, even though I am on the other end of the world. Uber happy to have all of my stuff back....still finishing the decorating and such, well I suppose it is more like the getting the last few things to make it all work. My bedroom is glorious and has two walls of windows (read: I desperately need curtains so I can sleep in the morning). But is fab for everything else. One of these days we will have a housewarming, once all is finished getting put in it's place. Anyhow, I am off to enjoy my day off and go see Harry Potter tonight!
More Blogs
Sunday Nov 26, 2006
Do you ever have those days when you just think that your friends, e… -
Tuesday Nov 21, 2006
I'm back from vacation! Mexico was great- fun to see old friends and… -
Sunday Nov 05, 2006
Tired- I have been sick and icky for a few days now and very much so … -
Tuesday Oct 24, 2006
this week has been all about moving. I am at the new place now...sti… -
Wednesday Oct 11, 2006
Hmm, let's see. Not too much going on around here. I just realized … -
Monday Oct 02, 2006
Fuck I hate being sick! I am ready to be uber-healthy and energetic … -
Monday Sep 18, 2006
Ah yes, Mondays! They make me happy. It is a lovely day to have off… -
Tuesday Sep 12, 2006
So I just found out that The Nightmare Before Christmas is going to b… -
Saturday Sep 09, 2006
yes indeed, I am a bit overdue for an update here. Back from Burning… -
Sunday Aug 27, 2006
Last night I got my ass kicked at work- the other bartender no-called…