have you ever wondered why it always seems that at hotels there is a new or fairly new roll of toilet paper? Well, when you work in a restaurant connected to a hotel, you discover that you are stuck with tiny weird rolls of toilet paperin the employee restroom, that are perpetually running out...because changing the tp in your room is too mundane an activity for you whilst on vacation.
More Blogs
Wednesday Mar 21, 2007
what a few weeks this has been...so happy to not be completely sick a… -
Saturday Mar 17, 2007
Ugh! Sickies all week. Yesterday was my first day back to work and … -
Tuesday Mar 13, 2007
I'm very tired and I awoke yesterday with a monster headcold- what is… -
Saturday Mar 03, 2007
tonight is New wave City and I could use a serious night of dancing... -
Thursday Feb 22, 2007
Busy, yes I have been. Life is good despite all of the drama I have … -
Tuesday Jan 30, 2007
Hmm...long time no updating. Not much new. Visited my family for "c… -
Wednesday Jan 03, 2007
well...let's see, have you ever had that period of days when you slow… -
Thursday Dec 21, 2006
thanks for all of the lovely birthday wishes...I am awake and I think… -
Thursday Dec 07, 2006
Today I am tired and ever so slightly hung over. I need a nice massa… -
Monday Nov 27, 2006
I absolutely love sleeping when it is raining, the only thing that to…