So yesterday, as a complete scatterbrain who was up all night having a wickedly good time so I was short on sleep, I managed to arrive at the Sunset party- go to change into a skirt and drop the keys out of my pants pocket! Such an ass I am!!! So approximayely an hour later, I realize I have dropped my keys in the bathroom and have to go look for them. To the DJ booth I went, naturally and yes indeed- some lovely person had turned them in to Galen! This is why I ♥ the Sunset crowd!!! (Despite my being a tard!)
More Blogs
Wednesday Mar 21, 2007
what a few weeks this has happy to not be completely sick a… -
Saturday Mar 17, 2007
Ugh! Sickies all week. Yesterday was my first day back to work and … -
Tuesday Mar 13, 2007
I'm very tired and I awoke yesterday with a monster headcold- what is… -
Saturday Mar 03, 2007
tonight is New wave City and I could use a serious night of dancing... -
Thursday Feb 22, 2007
Busy, yes I have been. Life is good despite all of the drama I have … -
Tuesday Jan 30, 2007
Hmm...long time no updating. Not much new. Visited my family for "c… -
Wednesday Jan 03, 2007
well...let's see, have you ever had that period of days when you slow… -
Thursday Dec 21, 2006
thanks for all of the lovely birthday wishes...I am awake and I think… -
Thursday Dec 07, 2006
Today I am tired and ever so slightly hung over. I need a nice massa… -
Monday Nov 27, 2006
I absolutely love sleeping when it is raining, the only thing that to…