Today is the day I buy my first car, which will also be my first joint big spending, and B's first real bank loan. B's looking at it today at lunchtime, and if it's nice, well, I just hope it's nice. I've been hanging out for a british racing green mx5 for a while now...
Today of all days, I'm feeling really _fucking_ poor. I've paid for my ticket to Madagascar, the final deposit (ouch! all in pounds sterling!) and I'm still sorting out my insurance and baggage and stuff... oh, and my visas. And accomodation in Mauritius.
Plus, I also have fine scale money woes that would involve starving until next Wednesday if it weren't for the fact that I go to Vanuatu on saturday... so hopefully won't need to spend much on food while I'm there. Or drive anywhere (making petrol something to worry about when I get back).
I wouldn't have to starve this week if rabies shots didn't cost so much... $95 for a jab!! Who'd pay that much for a needle without ink in it?! In the words of a friend, that's more than a hit of smack. And the killer is that there's 3 of them.. lucky I'm up to my last one.
I'm so in love.... and so very VERY poor!