It's not Malaria!!
It's Pyelonephritis, and it hospitalised me with rigors, sweats, general disorientation, back pain, and a temp of 39 C last wednesday.
Today's my last day of sick leave, so I'm using it to run around and organise some of the things I was freaking out about last week. The good news is that I'm going to pick up my visa today, and...
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It's Pyelonephritis, and it hospitalised me with rigors, sweats, general disorientation, back pain, and a temp of 39 C last wednesday.
Today's my last day of sick leave, so I'm using it to run around and organise some of the things I was freaking out about last week. The good news is that I'm going to pick up my visa today, and...
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So... I have a little bit of house drama, that surprisingly still hasn't exploded in my face... yet. I have a *difficult* housemate. She's been difficult since we moved in together, and the sad thing is that we were best friends up until just over a year ago. Our problems seem to stem from a mixture of her never having lived out of home before...
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When did life suddenly get so full, and yet so.... unsatisfying? I've finished uni for the moment (oh, I got my Honours mark. H1!! Go me!!) and I'm working full time in a job that requires very little in the way of thinking, but possibly more people skills than I usually have the energy for. That's right, I'm a receptionist. It doesn't hurt my back...
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damn that looks amazing!!
it sounds like you're balancing life out pretty well to me!
and as you said, no more sucking spit!
and as you said, no more sucking spit!

I just had a pretty amazing birthday weekend. I got to do all the fun stuff that you actually want to do on your birthday on Saturday- in particular the b/f and I went to the Aquarium and I filled up my new phone's memory in about 15 minutes, with photos and videos of all the fishies and stuff. I was a bit disappointed with...
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Honey Joys??? Ohhhh hell yeah!!!! Can I get in on your 25th next year??
Happy belated birthday... Sounds like you had a good one anyways! Pity about the funding issue though... Perhaps a SG telethon?
And you get 10 points for saying you dont dig footy players... Kudos for you!
Happy belated birthday... Sounds like you had a good one anyways! Pity about the funding issue though... Perhaps a SG telethon?
And you get 10 points for saying you dont dig footy players... Kudos for you!
I've had a sucky two days. I've fought with the b/f on and off, mostly about, well, the way we fight, and I guess the next level is to have a fight about the we fight about the way we fight... and I'm pretty sure I can see it coming. The main problem seems to be that when we're getting really wound up, he snaps...
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Goddam it's cold today. I know it's Melbourne, and I know winter is slowly winding up to freeze us all such that the only consolation we'll have is that hey, at least we're not in Hobart. Still, it's only 5 days in to official winter, and at 10am I stepped outside for 15 minutes, which was enough time for my ears to start stinging with...
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So, today I was looking up wildlife photos to, well, modify and create a new tattoo. In the process, I stumbled across an American bulletin board advertising pets for sale, pets wanted etc. I explored this page, and went to the 'exotic' section, and wow are there some freaks out there. Turns out sugar gliders are over represented on this board (wanted, being sold, trying...
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Well, I once owned my dream pet. It was a hunstman spider, which I found chilling out in my room one night. I bought a huge tank and fed it crickets once a week, as was specified to me by the dude in the pet store.
Now, imagine a spider which has a steady supply of very nutritious crickets, which it hasn't ever been used to. My spider got very large. The guy who was selling me crickets asked me to bring him in a photo. I did......he couldn't believe that a huntsman could grow so big.
We released my huntsman just before I went to Japan in September last year, because we were afraid no-one would be able to give her the respect and care she would need to survive in captivity.
Oh, and she only bit me once.......I deserved it.
Now, imagine a spider which has a steady supply of very nutritious crickets, which it hasn't ever been used to. My spider got very large. The guy who was selling me crickets asked me to bring him in a photo. I did......he couldn't believe that a huntsman could grow so big.
We released my huntsman just before I went to Japan in September last year, because we were afraid no-one would be able to give her the respect and care she would need to survive in captivity.
Oh, and she only bit me once.......I deserved it.
I've always wanted a liger
[Edited on Jun 05, 2006 3:06AM]
[Edited on Jun 05, 2006 3:06AM]
my dad sucks ass. We had a disagreement about how he, um, talks about my mother maybe 6 months ago, and I finally snapped and told him all the stuff he'd done wrong in the previous 18months, since leaving us. There's tonnes of little things that he's just been an insensitive jerk about, and then there's big things, like when he told me today he's...
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I just wrote the shittiest email ever, and while I stand by everything I said (but more tactfully put), I don't know how well I'm going to cope with the possible consequences (ie, losing a friendship I hoped would be fantastic given time, but feels like it's just drifting apart and deteriorating). I had such high hopes, and of course, there's always my pride
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tommorow night we will be eating deer