I haven't posted in a while because I don't know what to say. It has been a couple of months since Jen's pacemaker surgery, she is a bit better but still weak. I thought that she would be stronger by now, and in less pain than she is. She is looking forward to a heart transplant, I am not so positive. I know that sex is off the table right now, and i don't think that it ever will be like it used to be. We both liked it a bit rough, but now i am afraid of hurting her, or causing a heart attack. She has been living downstairs with her parents since August because she can't walk up the stairs, and they could not get her hospital bed upstairs. I want the closeness of a sexual relationship, but I need something more than pity cripple sex. I need release, but i don't want to cheat. What can I do?
More Blogs
The life and death of my Big Boy, Xenopus
I always lovingly called Xenopus my Big Boy. He was the first… -
The life of Xenopus the cat
So I borrowed and sold stuff to get Xenopus to the vet. Prognosis … -
My cat is dying
My cat, Xenopus, I think is near his end. He has lost so much weig… -
Wednesday Jun 05, 2013
Life continues to suck at a quicker pace than usual. Jen has been fe… -
Saturday Apr 27, 2013
watching a movie about the world's most prolific serial killer for re… -
Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
You know days like today are made for a bottle of lorazapam and a 40 … -
Friday Apr 19, 2013
ok, my last blog i mentioned that i am having feelings for someone i … -
Tuesday Apr 02, 2013
well, so much for peer support. i am having a rough time with Jen an… -
Monday Apr 01, 2013
I work 6 days a week to help get the restaurant profitable again, and… -
Sunday Mar 31, 2013
scared, lonely, and not sure how to feel