For those of you who know what is going on with Jen, she should be receiving a three wire pacemaker within the next 4 to 6 weeks. It is day surgery, but she has never responded well to being anesthetized. Her heart actually stopped during her breast reduction surgery about 10 years ago. We are still trying to get her a hospital bed, but they are $175 per month with a $500 deposit. That along with the $6000 for her c-pap machine, even if her insurance pays 20%, it is still $1200! The surgeon who will be putting in the 3-wire pacemaker said that she could die in her sleep before it gets implanted. I like a doc who doesn't beat around the bush, but that was a bit harsh. So tonight at work, I get an e-mail from my cousin with my sister's name in the subject line. i have not really talked to her in the past few years. There was a fight over my mother's estate, and when that was over, we didn't really talk. In the past two years, I started sending birthday and Christmas cards, but no response. She has MS, but today I find that she is hard of hearing and has difficulty comprehending and responding to conversation. Her husband basically wrote that the outcome is inevitable. Talk about kicking me when I am down. I am already on the verge of a breakdown, now I get this. I am barely hanging on.
i have not really talked to her
i have not really talked to her