I have had a really bad day, Jen is tired and weak and she is starting to be a bit of a pain in my ass. I know that it is because she is tired, weak and frustrated. Social services is going to give her a hospital bed so she can sleep with her head elevated (insert memories of my mother here). She has thrown up less today than yesterday. Either tomorrow or Sunday she will be moving downstairs so she doesn't have to deal with the stairs. I really am at the end of my rope, I don't know how much more stress I can take. My eyes and head hurt from crying, and I have had a migraine for about 3 weeks now. I have only had one descent meal in the past 3 days. I don't sleep well, I am in a funk all day long, what do I do about all this? My brother is concerned about what this is doing to me, but he is 3000 miles away. The way I feel right now, if Jen dies, I really don't think I could go on. I do feel very alone, the other person who was helping me through this has gone back to Antarctica (Kay). O FATHER, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?
More Blogs
Friday Oct 05, 2012
I have had a really bad day, Jen is tired and weak and she is startin… -
Thursday Oct 04, 2012
Here is the latest about Jen, and it is not good. For the past week … -
Friday Sep 28, 2012
In addition to my earlier blog, Jen had a horrible day. She is still… -
Friday Sep 28, 2012
Physically, emotionally and financially bankrupt. Jen is still very … -
Wednesday Sep 26, 2012
Still exhausted, still working too much, still broke. Just the anima… -
Monday Sep 24, 2012
I am so tired from everything going on. I am working 7 days a week, … -
Wednesday Sep 19, 2012
last couple of days have sucked rabid dog cock. I am working a 13 day… -
Thursday Aug 30, 2012
It is official, Jen comes home on Friday!! Thanks again for all the … -
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012
Jen's blood pressure is back to normal, one of her main lines was rem… -
Tuesday Aug 28, 2012
Jen is telling me to stop worrying and start living life again. Well…
There is a caretakers group on here as well, that could help.