Here is the latest about Jen, and it is not good. For the past week or so, she has been very weak, only being able to do the stairs once a day, and that takes all of her energy. She saw her gastroenterologist yesterday and now she is on a stronger anti-nausea pill so hopefully she will be able to keep her pills down so they can do what they are supposed to do. Because she has not been able to keep her pills down, her heart has gotten worse, actually to the point that it is worse than it has ever been. This has led to her having some water on her lungs as well as water accumulation in her extremities and her stomach. It is like she swallowed a basketball. If she does not improve in the next couple of days, they want to readmit her to cardiac intensive care to put her back on IV meds so they can work. If her heart does not respond and get stronger they are going to put her on the heart transplant list. I can't leave her alone, she doesn't feel safe in case something happens or she falls down, so she goes down to her parents until I get home from work. She is looking so bad and weak right now, I am really afraid that she is not going to make it through this. I am barely making it through this, I am exhausted, an emotional wreck, and I am terrified that she will die.
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