Well, I made the decision. I am bringing my dog, kokopelli, to the vets tomorrow to be put out of her misery. She has gotten to the point where she can't get up on her own, and she has problems standing. She is a 13 year old German Sheppard, and she is my best friend. She knows more about me than anyone else. She is even the reason I am still alive. When I found out that my ex-wife had an affair, and she decided to leave me, bitch, I considered taking my own life because I felt that I had nothing to live for. But I did have something, kokopelli. I didn't want the ex to get her, so I needed to be around to take care of her. Now I have to make her free from pain. I really don't know what I am going to do without her. 

kitty died? I'm so sorry. *big hugs*
Thanks, puppy actually, German Sheppard