Sounds like a bit of Sexual Harassment. I dont know where you are, or what your laws cover, but tell him to back off if it weirds you out, make notes of times dates etc, to cover yourself later just in case). Tell someone else at work, so you have verification, and if he doesn't stop - speak to union rep or his boss.
Pain in the arse process to go through, but some guys just don't fucking get it!
Hope you do ok with it all. Rebember that Employers have obligation to make sure that everyone feels safe in the workplace.
hmmm... that sounds kinda creepy. you know what id do if i were you.. id show it to him! you just need some prep work before the flashing tho. just go out and get some glue on hair. a lot of it. that should freak him out, but you never know. if he actually likes what he sees.. go to plan B: a swift kick to the nutts!!
Pain in the arse process to go through, but some guys just don't fucking get it!
Hope you do ok with it all. Rebember that Employers have obligation to make sure that everyone feels safe in the workplace.
Cheers from an ex-union rep, down under