What!? Im only allowed 105 favorite picks??????

life has been good this week. I have taken some time off, and yet gotten some work done. I need to work on my anxiety and not making myself overly stressed out. Sometimes all that this wrong, I do to myself.

Last night I hung out with friends, drank some beer, ate some taco bell. The boy was...
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my mom told me to never believe anything your mind tells you. kinda makes me wonder if ignorance really is bliss to a certain extent?

there needs to be beaches in colorado, and the boulder res doesnt count..
What did I do this week(end)?

I got to sleep alot
I got to drink alot
I got to drink some more
I went to some random punk show with an audience of -40 and 2 cockroaches
I made myself pancakes for lunch
I spend hard earned money on nothing......but, I wanted that shit!
I drank less coffee than usuall ......that weird.

Oh yeah.....I started...
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my comment never made it or something. fucking comcast. so heres the synopsis:

one becomes 2, then 4 then youre at a half pack wondering why you started that vile habit in the first place. not that its not enjoyable or sometimes social.. because it is.. just dont get hooked, quittings a bitch. stick to coffee, its better for you.. i think?
What the fuck....I thought I was done!!!!! Damn research paper! The final went alright though. i was happy about that. we all meet at Denny's yesterday morning to go study before the test..........as if that would ever work....

Tonight I have to endure work with the new automatic espresso machine and that boy. I hape it goes well.
ahh, finals... in a really wierd way i miss being in college. but i really dont miss the stress and pulling all nighters, i need my sleep!! hope that boy behaves
Why can't I attact a grounded guy......I get these hurt souls who can't deal with anything going on around them..........He's so sad (as in that is they way he constantly feeling) and my I can't help but send my heart out to him.

Wierd part of the situation: He brought up religion in the middle of our petting session!! And how he doesn't agree with...
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sounds like a shitty situation frown i really try to avoid people that strike me as extremely emotionally damaged or mentally unstable. i find that it keeps me a lot happier and stable as well. i can totally understand feeling his pain, but ive personally found that its just not a good idea... gotta be happy with yourself before you can find it in another.
I hate tests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and why does that boy keep avoiding me?????? frown frown frown
So, is getting involved with a co-worker bad.........I mean really as bad as everyone seems to think?

I of course I have now found out that is may be a Jesus freak in punk clothing.............then again he was drunk too and had to objection to getting busy!!!! He normally a really lovely, tolorant guy.
no!!! dont do it!!!! never dip in the company ink!!!!!! seriously, dating co workers can defanently work out, plenty of people at my work date and it works out just fine. the ones ive dated never worked out. its always got wierd for me, especially after the break up whatever but if youre into him then go for it! besides, the innocent ones are the most fun to corrupt anyway biggrin

snows already long gone too.. it was back to 50 the next day!
So I gave the pizza man a 24 dollar tip last night. the 20 must of been stuck between a 1 and I was in a hurry.....it was movie night with friends (Donnie Darko). No wonder he was so happy when he left.....I need to start paying more attention......I keep forgeting small things.

ha i did something like that to one of my old coffee barista friends. dropped her a 10 due to not paying attention. next day i came by to mooch offa her again and she promptly scolded me and told me to never do it again. so i stopped tipping her for a week. she seemed happy about it..?

i need to watch the directors cut of donnie darko..

the real worlds a strange place, but its something i need to get used to. im quite sure that once i get my first *paying* job i'll feel a lot more validated in my efforts, like someone is acknowledge my efforts.. and hopefully that day will be here soon!

So, I realized that I have too much on my plate. I don't know evern where to begin........I'm in one of those positions where I am faced with a hugh pile of work that I can't begin any of it since there would be no way to finish it all on time.

On the up side, I have two hugh crushes on two very sexy...
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good to hear from you again! new laptops gotta be nice! too much on your plate.. know the feeling! but it keeps the mind occupied, and that can say a lot sometimes... not thinking and just doing makes things more bearable. 2 new prospects eh? quality smile no need to act, make them come to you! they should be the ones alleviating your stress and putting you at ease, isnt that the reason men are here wink

things are going well for me, life is life.. thats all i know to say about it. things are in the works, but theyre always in the works ya know? all i can do is bide my time and keep working.. im tired too.
So, after being disconnected forever.......I am back with a Powerbook G4.

fun fun!!!
So, I think that I am finally out of my slump......I'm feeling pretty good....on 100% yet....but I'm on my way smile .
happy valentines day!! hope all is well on the other side of the country biggrin
happy easter!!
I seem to be in this depressed mood....or slump.....which is draining my wallet frown .

For some reason, I just don't feel as pretty as I used to.....It really sucks.

dont be depressed! biggrin dont forget youre one of a very very small percentine of people worldwide that's going for their masters... that alone should help keep your chin up.

the gamble is up to me, very true statement.. its hard when your brother and roomate all want her.. plus they work with her too.. .. i dunno.. i've learned a lot from her in the brief week we've been doing whatever it is we're doing. i've things about myself that otherwise would hvae remained hidden.. still cant shake the feeling that this is going to end up hurting. she and i agreed that we woudl take things one day at a time.. thats all you can do right?

hope you get out of your funk..
So, I'm still working on getting that man out of my mind.......after all, the one I fell in love with doesn't exist......he was a character put on my cruel man...........and that lazy bitch can go ahead an marry the man he really is.

I am no longer sad that my relationship with him is over.....but, it does suck not to be in love anymore.......being in...
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you were right about the last semester of school, it went by in a blink of an eye. things are going well on my end.. im reinventing myself lately.. finding time to do stuff that i woudl have never been able to do in the past.. im also working on a short film in boulder.. hopefully it turns into a full time job.

im sorry to hear about your relationship.. being in love is a really really awesome feeling, i miss feeling that way myself.. but youre right tho.. one day you will love again. just make sure to crack the whip so the respect is there wink