@missy @eirenne @lust @penny
@missy @penny @eirenne @lust @mickey
@missy @penny @eirenne @lust
Hello, everyone!!!!!! I'm so excited today 'cause my debut set shot by the goddess @arthemis goes up in ONE WEEK! Seriously, I thought this day would never come hahaha
''Vintage Dream'' is really a dream to me <3 I hope y'all like it.
On my first blog I mentioned that I like art and its many ways to provide us possibilities to express ourselves. Dancing, singing, writing and photographing are my favorite ways to express myself. However, today, I'm here to show you a little more about one of the things I do and that is ballet. I love ballet, I don't mean to become a professional ballet...
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Hello, everyone!
You can call me Lia.
Well, it's always hard to talk about ourselves, huh?! That's why I'm gonna start by mentioning two important people who have helped me all the way here: @arthemis and @psylunar. The first one (@arthemis) is a beautiful, talented and professional photographer/model. She is the responsible for these photos. The first one (@psylunar) is a fantastic, beautiful and talented...
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