*i am a myspace whore* *i am a myspace whore* sing with me now!
nah, just giggling at my profile pic. i have absolutely ZERO photos of me since i've had blonde hair, so i took a couple before i change it again. and when i stuck them on my compy, i see the garbage in the background, and proceed to laugh for some time about that poo pic (keep up with me now) - the myspace one - and i found it apt. APT! anyway i don't actually have said pic, so someone throw me a frickin bone here before i drown in a steaming vat of my own FAIL
nah, just giggling at my profile pic. i have absolutely ZERO photos of me since i've had blonde hair, so i took a couple before i change it again. and when i stuck them on my compy, i see the garbage in the background, and proceed to laugh for some time about that poo pic (keep up with me now) - the myspace one - and i found it apt. APT! anyway i don't actually have said pic, so someone throw me a frickin bone here before i drown in a steaming vat of my own FAIL
Where are you?
i am partial to a bit of myspace as well...