hey kiddies! long time no update. my 24th was a bit of a non-event. got my hair cut off. didn't want it so short but it looks better this way. and no more blonde. that shit was tragic.
saving up to go japan-way this october. the plan is to take photos of everything instead of buying - then come hometime put my sewing machine to...
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saving up to go japan-way this october. the plan is to take photos of everything instead of buying - then come hometime put my sewing machine to...
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*i am a myspace whore* *i am a myspace whore* sing with me now!
nah, just giggling at my profile pic. i have absolutely ZERO photos of me since i've had blonde hair, so i took a couple before i change it again. and when i stuck them on my compy, i see the garbage in the background, and proceed to laugh for some time...
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nah, just giggling at my profile pic. i have absolutely ZERO photos of me since i've had blonde hair, so i took a couple before i change it again. and when i stuck them on my compy, i see the garbage in the background, and proceed to laugh for some time...
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i am partial to a bit of myspace as well...
i'm a very black and white kinda thinker, i'll either love you or i'll hate you, with nothing in between. but when it comes down to it, it's only the people i give a shit about that even fall in to these catagories. my bff and i have the same type of ego and when i whinge about chicks bitching about me he says 'at...
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perfect sense...
we've gone from heatwave to cold snap in less than 2 weeks. i want summer back. or to move to california. either or.
my sister is out of hospital and recovering well which has brought the stress levels at home down noticably. living back with the folks has been a challenge i can tell you! but saving on rent means i can get some ink...
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my sister is out of hospital and recovering well which has brought the stress levels at home down noticably. living back with the folks has been a challenge i can tell you! but saving on rent means i can get some ink...
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Sup girlie?
tonight was a stress waiting for my big sis to come out of surgery. did you know you can get appendix stones? well apparently so.
i am so horribly sober right now i can't even think of anything to write... i wish that i had duck feet.
i am so horribly sober right now i can't even think of anything to write... i wish that i had duck feet.
Duck feet could be fun. =] Hi, sorry I say you in a group I am in and thought you seemed cool. =]
I love your tats there neat
officially going crazy now. the heat! it's not even technically summer anymore dammit, and there isn't a break in the forecast. this is what the future holds for us - extreme heat vs extreme cold - you'd think i'd be used to it having grown up in melbourne, but hey, i'm weak. i need my air-con. even my chihuahua is too hot, and he's mexican!...
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i wasn't thinking that... but yeah, ew

i know its been killer hot lately
it's a really hot night here and all the creepy crawlies are coming out *shudder* i could actually here one rustling in the bushes! and i swear it looks like a scorpian banged a cockroach to make this thing. plus a huge slug came out last night and subsequently B]fried i assume only because it couldn't move it's ass to the other side of the...
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Thank you so much for leaving a "real" comment on my set, it means so much more to me than an "I loved it"!
thanks so much sweets!
so apparently i'm allergic to penicillin. and by apparently i mean obviously. gut-wrenchingly so.
trying to move house when i can't even stand up straight is a challenge to say the least. i'm so sad to see this place go, i love living bayside
so it's back to the folks' place for now. hello expendable income! that's the only plus so i'm sticking to it....
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trying to move house when i can't even stand up straight is a challenge to say the least. i'm so sad to see this place go, i love living bayside

so it's back to the folks' place for now. hello expendable income! that's the only plus so i'm sticking to it....
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Sorry to hear that you're allergic to penicillin, it must suck
But hey, having more money to spend on things you like is a good thing 

i'd been putting off getting my impacted wisdom teeth pulled, but getting less than 2 hours sleep last night from the agony that not even panadeine could relieve... well i had to get a cab at peak hour that's what *hrmph*
went to the dentist, then to the x-ray joint, then back to the dentist. that was my day. but now i don't have the...
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went to the dentist, then to the x-ray joint, then back to the dentist. that was my day. but now i don't have the...
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Pardon the generic message, please vote for the new owner of SGAU! Thanks

It's terrible being allergic to it. I spent nineteen years taking it for my chronic tonsillitis and then one day i got incredible ill from my anti biotics and it turned out my body had gone over its tolerance for it and refused to work with it anymore. So now it takes me even longer to get better LOL
Mmmmm melty face =]
Mmmmm melty face =]
my ex is a bastard. he no longer has control over me, my finances, my life... so he tries to convince everyone that i'm irrational and a negative influence so he doesn't have to take any responsibility for me leaving his ass in the gutter. i'm 23 and feel like i'm in high school. but unlike high school, i don't have to put up with...
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it must be negative ex's day. i've spent the good part of today arguing with my ex girl, trying to explain that it isn't ok to expect someone to act exactly the way someone wants you to act, that it's wrong to want to change someone. she just don't understand. i'm tired now
and i was meant to be packing to move, and go to st.kilda tonight. blah......

That's why they're Ex's