Tell us your best ghost/spooky story! Can be a real paranormal experience you had, a story you heard, an urban legend, or a fictional tale that you make up!
So I haven't done blog homework before and this is about to be my first. I'm super excited about Halloween so this is awesome but i'm equally nervous - I havent written in a while and I'm not sure how to go about writing this...
SO, a few years back me and my boyfriend at the time went to Haltwhistle for a walk in the countryside. For those of you who don't know, Haltwhistle is something like one of the oldest towns, one of the most known for witchcraft and the likes, and i think its even meant to be the middle point of England? So yeah, as you can imagine, as a witch, I was pretty damn excited to be visiting.
We arrived at 11am and spent the entire day walking for miles and miles - 30 to be exact. We passed some amazing scenery and it was truly beautiful. I wanted to be there forever. We started to head back along a different route as it was getting dark, we knew it would talk about an hour and a half in total until we reached the train station. It was quiet, we had one flashlight and everywhere was surrounded by darkness.
As we were walking past the fields my boyfriend started telling me stories about how about 20 years ago the fields we were walking past would be used often for Covens to come and to do rituals. He told me about 5 years ago was the last one he had heard of, and that wasn't done by a coven, but some sort of cult.
Things suddenly grew quieter. Of course it happened to be a full moon that night and a cult wouldnt come out in daytime. We passed a few more fields in silence, my ears pricking at every noise and looking at leftover posts on the fields and burn marks in the grass. It was all true. I spotted a few fields away dark figures, surely my eyes were tricking me. Surely.
Apparently not. One of the dark figures glanced at us. Did he see us? I could see more of them now, the small remains of a fire thats been put out and there was something hung over it.. a pig? No, larger than a pig.
"Cannibals." My boyfriend said next to me.
We ran.
That night after we had been home I woke up in a dark room. I was still spooked by the day and the fact that i had had nighmares about it. I tend to get paranoid and think theres someone in the room with me after a nightmare so told myself to stop being silly.
But there was a mirror on the wall opposite me and i noticed something move in the reflection. I stared into it and realized it meant right beside me, was one of the men from the field.
I couldnt see into his robe at all, it was all darkness and I could smell human flesh. I closed my eyes and hid under the covers. I felt a hand grab my leg.
And then nothing.